
viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013

3+ mins of Deleted Game of Thrones Footage Filled with Lannister Intrigue

Considering the dense source material provided by George R.R. Martin, it’s not much of a surprise that the producers behind HBO's Game of Thrones have to leave quite a bit of story on the cutting-room floor to keep the series moving. That fact makes it even more awesome when we get to see 3+ minutes of glorious, unused footage.

With the season-three DVD release coming out soon, the network has released the lengthy scene showing off a tense meeting between Tywin and Pycelle in regard to the Small Council.

It’s a great scene and would’ve been a nice addition to an episode — but as it starts to drag on a bit, you can understand why it was trimmed. But hey, while we slave away until spring of 2014 and wait for season four, we’ll take whatever we can get.

Check out the clip above and let us know if you think it deserved to be cut.


jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013

Juego de Tronos temporada 3: Los Efectos Especiales (Vídeo)

Acercar el mundo de RR Martin a la realidad es tarea ardua para el equipo de efectos visuales de Juego de Tronos. El trabajo realizado por las empresas de efectos especiales durante las tres sesiones emitidas ha sido impresionante. Desde los sempiternos paisajes naturales y fortalezas hasta los crecientes dragones de Daenerys pasando por Viento Gris, Verano, Fantasma, y el resto de los lobos Stark. Spin VFX es una de las compañías encargadas de los efectos de la ficción épica y, como hicieran anteriormente, han compartido un vídeo en el que se puede ver el fruto de su trabajo en la temporada 3 de Juego de Tronos. En el clip que encontraréis bajo estas líneas la magia de la post producción revela sus trucos dejándonos atónitos con los cambios conseguidos.

"Damos las gracias a HBO y al equipo de producción de efectos visuales por la oportunidad de trabajar en el desafiante y gratificante proyecto de Juego de Tronos. Estamos muy orgullosos del trabajo que resultó de los esfuerzos del equipo, inspirado por Steve Kullback y Joe Bauer", dice Neishaw Ali, director de efectos visuales y productor ejecutivo. El cinco veces nominado a los Emmy y supervisor de VFX, Doug Cambell, y el tres veces nominado a los mismos premios y supervisor productivo, Luke Groves, llevaron a cabo la composición de las escenas con más de 200 tomas incluyendo el campo de Mance Rayder, las secuencias de los lobos, las grabaciones en el Bosque del Norte, los cuervos, el Ejército de los Inmaculados, los Gemelos y el entorno en 3D del Muro de la tercera tanda de aventuras de Juego de Tronos.

Jon Snow, Ygritte y los Salvajes escalaron el muro en el episodio 7 de la temporada 3 de Juego de Tronos provocando una gran avalancha de hielo. Con más de 80 tomas, crearon un muro que debía aparentar ser de más de 3.000 metros de altura con capacidad para grabar desde cualquier ángulo. Había que simular la caída del hielo y se colocaron cámaras en todos los sentidos para conseguir la continuidad de la secuencia, llevando a cabo la acción en tiempo real. "La escena de la Pared de Hielo fue un reto para nosotros. La construcción en 3D proporcionó el drama y el miedo necesario en la escalada, y por supuesto, el realismo de la avalancha", dijo Doug Campbell, el supervisor de VFX.


miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

"DANGEROUS WOMEN": Precuela de Canción de Hielo y Fuego



La novela en cuestión, "The Princess and the Queen, or, The Blacks and the Greens", se ambientará en la guerra civil que duró tres años por la sucesión en la casa Targaryen al trono de hierro y que acabó con la muerte de Aegon II y Rhaenyra y la coronación de Aegon III.

Joe Abercrombie, Brandon Sanderson, Carrie Vaughn, Diana Gabaldon (Outlander), Jim Butcher (Harry Dresden), Diana Rowland y Sherilynn Kenyon son algunos de los escritores que participarán en el libro, "Dangerous Women", que publicará Thor Books el 3 de diciembre.

Martin desveló, medio en broma, que esta novela de 30.000 palabras es el anticipo de otra de 80.000 que algún día será lanzada como título independiente y a la que de momento se refiere como el "GRRilllion".



Being A History of the Causes, Origins, Battles, and Betrayals
of that Most Tragic Bloodletting Known as the Dance of the Dragons,
as set down by Archmaester Gyldayn of the Citadel of Oldtown

((here transcribed by GEORGE R.R. MARTIN))
The Dance of the Dragons is the flowery name bestowed upon the savage internecine struggle for the Iron Throne of Westeros fought between two rival branches of House Targaryen during the years 129 to 131 AC. To characterize the dark, turbulent, bloody doings of this period as a “dance” strikes us as grotesquely inappropriate. No doubt the phrase originated with some singer. “The Dying of the Dragons” would be altogether more fitting, but tradition and time have burned the more poetic usage into the pages of history, so we must dance along with the rest.

There were two principal claimants to the Iron Throne upon the death of King Viserys I Targaryen: his daughter Rhaenyra, the only surviving child of his first marriage, and Aegon, his eldest son by his second wife. Amidst the chaos and carnage brought on by their rivalry, other would-be kings would stake claims as well, strutting about like mummers on a stage for a fortnight or a moon’s turn, only to fall as swiftly as they had arisen.

The Dance split the Seven Kingdoms in two, as lords, knights, and smallfolk declared for one side or the other and took up arms against each other. Even House Targaryen itself became divided, when the kith, kin, and children of each of the claimants became embroiled in the fighting. Over the two years of struggle, a terrible toll was taken of the great lords of Westeros, together with their bannermen, knights, and smallfolk. Whilst the dynasty survived, the end of the fighting saw Targaryen power much diminished, and the world’s last dragons vastly reduced in number.

The Dance was a war unlike any other ever fought in the long history of the Seven Kingdoms. Though armies marched and met in savage battle, much of the slaughter took place on water, and... especially... in the air, as dragon fought dragon with tooth and claw and flame. It was a war marked by stealth, murder, and betrayal as well, a war fought in shadows and stairwells, council chambers and castle yards with knives and lies and poison.

Long simmering, the conflict burst into the open on the third day of third moon of 129 AC, when the ailing, bedridden King Viserys I Targaryen closed his eyes for a nap in the Red Keep of King’s Landing, and died without waking. His body was discovered by a serving man at the hour of the bat, when it was the king’s custom to take a cup of hippocras. The servant ran to inform Queen Alicent, whose apartments were on the floor below the king’s.

The manservant delivered his dire tidings directly to the queen, and her alone, without raising a general alarum; the king’s death had been anticipated for some time, and Queen Alicent and her party, the so-called greens,* had taken care to instruct all of Viserys’s guards and servants in what to do when the day came.

*In 111 AC, a great tourney was held at King’s Landing on the fifth anniversary of the king’s marriage to Queen Alicent. At the opening feast, the queen wore a green gown, whilst the princess dressed dramatically in Targaryen red and black. Note was taken, and thereafter it became the custom to refer to “greens” and “blacks” when talking of the queen’s party and the party of the princess, respectively. In the tourney itself, the blacks had much the better of it when Ser Criston Cole, wearing Princess Rhaenyra’s favor, unhorsed all of the queen’s champions, including two of her cousins and her youngest brother, Ser Gwayne Hightower.

Queen Alicent went at once to the king’s bedchamber, accompanied by Ser Criston Cole, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Once they had confirmed that Viserys was dead, Her Grace ordered his room sealed and placed under guard. The serving man who had found the king’s body was taken into custody, to make certain he did not spread the tale. Ser Criston returned to White Sword Tower and sent his brothers of the Kingsguard to summon the members of the king’s small council. It was the hour of the owl.

Then as now, the Sworn Brotherhood of the Kingsguard consisted of seven knights, men of proven loyalty and undoubted prowess who had taken solemn oaths to devote their lives to defending the king’s person and kin. Only five of the white cloaks were in King’s Landing at the time of Viserys’s death; Ser Criston himself, Ser Arryk Cargyll, Ser Rickard Thorne, Ser Steffon Darklyn, and Ser Willis Fell. Ser Erryk Cargyll (twin to Ser Arryk) and Ser Lorent Marbrand, with Princess Rhaenyra on Dragonstone, remained unaware and uninvolved as their brothers-in-arms went forth into the night to rouse the members of the small council from their beds.

Gathering in the queen’s chambers as the body of her lord husband grew cold above were Queen Alicent herself; her father Ser Otto Hightower, Hand of the King; Ser Criston Cole, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard; Grand Maester Orwyle; Lord Lyman Beesbury, master of coin, a man of eighty; Ser Tyland Lannister, master of ships, brother to the Lord of Casterly Rock; Larys Strong, called Larys Clubfoot, Lord of Harrenhal, master of whisperers; and Lord Jasper Wylde, called Ironrod, master of laws.

Grand Maester Orwyle opened the meeting by reviewing the customary tasks and procedures required at the death of a king. He said, “Septon Eustace should be summoned to perform the last rites and pray for the king’s soul. A raven must needs be sent to Dragonstone at once to inform Princess Rhaenyra of her father’s passing. Mayhaps Her Grace the queen would care to write the message, so as to soften these sad tidings with some words of condolence? The bells are always rung to announce the death of a king, someone should see to that, and of course we must begin to make our preparations for Queen Rhaenyra’s coronation—”.

Ser Otto Hightower cut him off. “All this must needs wait,” he declared, “until the question of succession is settled.” As the King’s Hand, he was empowered to speak with the king’s voice, even to sit the Iron Throne in the king’s absence. Viserys had granted him the authority to rule over the Seven Kingdoms, and “until such time as our new king is crowned,” that rule would continue.

“Until our new queen is crowned,” Lord Beesbury said, in a waspish tone.
King,” insisted Queen Alicent. “The Iron Throne by rights must pass to His Grace’s eldest trueborn son.”

The discussion that followed lasted nigh unto dawn. Lord Beesbury spoke on behalf of Princess Rhaenyra. The ancient master of coin, who had served King Viserys for his entire reign, and his father Jaehaerys the Old King before him, reminded the council that Rhaenyra was older than her brothers and had more Targaryen blood, that the late king had chosen her as his successor, that he had repeatedly refused to alter the succession despite the pleadings of Queen Alicent and her greens, that hundreds of lords and landed knights had done obesience to the princess in 105 AC, and sworn solemn oaths to defend her rights.

But these words fell on ears made of stone.


domingo, 11 de agosto de 2013

Calendario Juego de Tronos 2014


Este calendario recoge bellas ilustraciones basadas en los cinco libros publicados hasta la fecha: Juego de tronos,Choque de reyesTormenta de espadasFestín de cuervos y Danza de dragones
