
domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013

Game of Thrones Burlesque Show


Thought you had seen everything when it came to Game of Thrones? You know nothing, Jon Snow.
Dance troupe the Jaded Vanities is taking sexposition to a whole new level with its new Game of Thrones parody burlesque show and tickets are now on sale for their Canberra performance on October 25.
It's the group's first ever Game of Thrones burlesque show - it will only come to Sydney in January next year.

The promotional poster for the Game of Thrones Burlesque Show.
Canberra fans of the sex-drenched Machiavellian fantasy TV series will get the chance to test whether winter is really coming as the Jaded Vanities dancers tease, tempt and strip their way across Westeros.


Will there be lapdances on the iron throne? Will we see Ned Starkers or feel the Hand of the King? What about the stallion that mounts the world? And where are those dragons?
Director Russall Beattie says the show will be extreme and "ridiculously sexy" and he wants the audience to be turned on but walk out "questioning what they just saw".


Beattie took a break from frantic preparations for the show ("I'm just in the process of getting a quote for a fire breathing dragon") to speak to Fairfax Media.

"Game of Thrones is already sexy, how do you build on that? We have to make it ridiculously sexy. Most of the key characters are there, most of the families are  represented," he said.

And there'll be a couple of surprises. "Most [of our] shows have a lot of gender switches, but this one only has two. All the males are played by male performers and all the female characters are played by females. Only
the Hound and Joffrey are gender switched," he said.


The night may be cold and full of terrors but the burlesque performers will ensure things heat up in the Playhouse Theatre, though be warned: there is a routine involving Jaime and Cersei Lannister.

Beattie originally put the idea for a Westeros burlesque show on Facebook as a joke after he finished watching the last season of Game of Thrones. But he says "demand was so crazy" that he decided to go ahead with the show and started building routines.

He's currently casting and rehearsals will begin in two weeks. "We're trying to cast as close as possible [to the TV series], so Brienne of Tarth is six foot three, the same as the actress who plays her on TV. I'm trying to get my Hodor, who's seven foot two."

The burlesque troupe have already shown they have a strong Sansa humour with their previous offerings, which were sexy take offs of other pop culture phenomena.


They've done Star Wars Burlesque: The Empire Strips Back which featured a sexy Darth Vader, a gold dipped C-3PO and plenty of lightsaber action and last year performed Batman Follies of 1929, a vaudeville take on the caped crusader with an operatic Mr Freeze and a dancing Joker.


It's probably safe to say the show will reap all the gold in Casterly Rock for its producers – since HBO turned George R. R. Martin's best-selling fantasy novels into a television series starting in 2011, Game of Thrones has become a cultural juggernaut.


Game of Thrones Burlesque is on Friday October 25 at the Playhouse Theatre, Civic. Tickets $53.
