
Official Game of Thrones S3 Poster Released

James Hibberd from EW.com got the scoop – as he usually does – and supplied Game of Thrones fans with the first official poster for Season Three. Here it is:

GOT S3 Dragon Poster 510x755

So, what are my thoughts on this year’s poster? Well, it’s pretty, uh, meh, to put it lightly. In reality, I’m actually very disappointed! Did HBO spend all it’s money on production? Is there nothing left to make a decent poster for Season Three? I guess so, cause this poster is in direwolf need of a makeover. I find it extremely boring and uninteresting. Sure, dragons are completely badass, but it’s just a shadow. Show me a REAL dragon and I might be impressed. And where’s the color? The shadow over the boring gray background makes it even more drab. Needless to say, I won’t be hanging this poster on my wall anytime soon.

So far the posters have deteriorated since the awesome shot of Ned sitting on the Iron Throne from Season One. Last year’s hand holding up Robert’s crown was okay, but still way better than this! Anyways, enough ranting from me. Let us know what you think in the comments below.
ICYMI, the first TRAILER for S3 will premiere tonight on Jimmy Kimmel Live! We have all the details, as well as a new teaser for tonight’s trailer right here.


viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013

'Game of Thrones' Season 3 Trailer to Debut on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'

Fans of HBO's "Game of Thrones" have been getting hints and peeks at the upcoming third season, but the time has finally come for a look at the first full trailer for the new season. But instead of unveiling the trailer for the first time on HBO, the pay cable channel is sending people to ABC for their first look.

The trailer will make its debut on Friday's episode of "Jimmy Kimmel Live."

"I am so excited about this trailer, even I might watch my show," Kimmel said in a statement.

Kimmel has long displayed a fondness for fantasy and science-fiction TV on his show. He hosted a special episode following the final episode of ABC's "Lost." And he's played host to many members of the "Game of Thrones" cast, including Lena Headey and Emilia Clarke.

The new season is set to premiere March 31 and is expected to adapt the first half of "A Storm of Swords," the third book in George R.R. Martin's bestselling fantasy series "A Song of Ice and Fire."

HBO has itself covered in case more "Thrones" fans are Leno or Letterman people; the 60-second trailer will appear on YouTube immediately after its broadcast debut.

Boston-Based Disruptor Beam Just Launched Game of Thrones Ascent

game of thrones dragon

Alliances, betrayal, hook-ups, and break-ups make Game of Thrones a perfect story … for Facebook. Recognizing that connection, Boston-based video game company Disruptor Beam developed the first Thrones game hosted on Facebook’s platform: Game of Thrones Ascent, which launched earlier this morning.

 game of thrones battle

This morning’s launch marks the end of a year-and-a-half of development, which started in fall of 2011 after Disruptor Beam founder and CEO Jon Radoff approached George R. R. Martin about creating a game based on his books and the HBO series. Radoff says his goal was to create a game that would hook players right away and hold their interest. 

 game of thrones people

The game is available on Facebook free of charge. “This is a thinking person’s game,” Radoff said. “If people are looking for a videogame where you log in and bash something with a sword, this isn’t going to be the game for them. If people are looking for a deeply immersive experience within this world then I think this is a really interesting game to a large number of people.”

game of thrones ship

Hank Howie, COO of Disruptor Beam, describes Game of Thrones Ascent as a social game with anti-social aspects. Mirroring the relationships between characters in the books and HBO series, players can invite their friends to help them complete quests—but are under no obligation to remain allies. That the game is hosted on Facebook’s platform only adds to the social tension. “It’s a compelling reason to utilize the social channel,” Howie said.

game of thrones war

A team of more than 50 artists, engineers, designers, and writers assembled the story and graphics. Disruptor Beam recruited many writers that had previous experience working on other Game of Thrones products. “We want people to come into the game and feel like they’re living the Game of Thrones,” Radoff said.

game of thrones castle



jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013

Baralho de Game of Thrones

Depois de ter visto a ideia do artista Jim Tuckwell de fazer um baralho cujas cartas seriam ilustradas pelos personagens da série de sucesso da HBO Game of Thrones, Paul Nojima, de Hayward, nos EUA, decidiu não esperar até que essa ideia fosse concretizada por Jim e fez a sua própria versão do baralho.

Os desenhos das cartas foram feitos à mão pelo próprio Paul e todos são impressos em papel de carta de baralho de verdade e de alta qualidade. Cada carta contém um dos nossos queridos ou odiados personagens da série e os ases possuem os brasões das quatro casas mais famosas: Stark, Lannister, Baratheon e Targaryen. Outro detalhe legal é que os dois curingas possuem ilustrações dos personagens Lord Baelish e Lord Varis, o que faz bastante sentido. 

O baralho foi feito em duas versões, uma com cartas de fundo branco comum e a outra ao estilo vintage. Os dois baralhos estavam à venda na loja de Paul na Esty, a TimeVoid, e custavam US$ 20,00, mas já estão esgotados. 

Abaixo, veja mais detalhes dos baralhos de Game of Thrones:


Game of Thrones S2 Deleted Scenes

The second season of Game of Thrones Blu-Ray and DVD collection has a bunch of hidden "dragon eggs" that when found, reveal a collection of never-before-seen deleted scenes from the series. And we can't believe these moments were cut. Watch how the Mother of Dragon's closest friends turned on her, and a dynamite moment between Lord Petyr Baelish and Lord Varys!

هنوز چیزی نگذشته، چهار صحنه‏ی مختلف حذف شده از این سریال در اینترنت قرار گرفت. DVDهای فصل دوم دو روز پیش برای فروش منتشر شدند که همراه اونها، 4 صحنه‏ی حذف شده قرار داشت که در تلویزیون خبری از آنها نبوده. فصل اول سریال از اینگونه حذف ها نداشته؛ پس میشه گفت اینها اولین صحنه‏های حذفی از سریال به شمار میان.
در قسمت پایین، این چهار صحنه‏ی حذفی قرار داده شدن که در یکی از اونها، "تیریون" با بازی Peter Dinklage، که از محبوب‏ترین کاراکترهای سریال به حساب میاد، قرار داره.
فصل سوم این سریال 31 مارچ از شبکه‏ی HBO پخش خواهد شد.


martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

Las 'Wild Cards' de George R. R. Martin Llegarán en Marzo a España


Planeta ha anunciado esto de forma un tanto discreta ya que, si bien no ha habido nota de prensa al respecto, sí que se ha comentado en más de alguna ocasión y ahora nos llega el booktráiler de ‘Wild Cards‘, la antología que lleva editando George R. R. Martin (celebérrimo por ‘Canción de Hielo y Fuego’) desde hace una veintena de años.

Y es que Timun Mas ha anunciado la publicación de los dos primeros volúmenes de la antología (actualmente cuenta con 22) en la que Martin y un grupo de autores crean historias cortas en torno a una Tierra con una población diezmada y habitada por dos tipos de seres mutados a causa de un xenovirus: los que han quedado deformados, los Joker (9 de cada 10) y los que han obtenido superpoderes y normalmente los usan para el bien, los Aces (el resto).

Así ‘Wild Cards’ llegará con su primer volumen el próximo mes de marzo (en rústica y a un precio de 17.95 euros), para ya en junio poder leer ‘Wild Cards II: Ases en lo Alto‘ (‘Wild Cards II: Aces High’), siendo la idea, publicarla cada dos o tres meses, dependiendo de la acogida


Existe una historia secreta del mundo. Una historia que comienza en 1946 cuando un extraño virus alienígena es liberado sobre los cielos de Nueva York, proporcionando superpoderes a unos cuantos supervivientes. A aquellos que dedican sus talentos a servir a la humanidad los llaman Ases. A los otros, a los que usan sus poderes para ayudar al mal, los denominan Jokers. Wild Cards nos cuenta su historia.

Aquí comienza todo. Este es la génesis de lo que acontecerá. En este volumen se presentan los Ases y Jokers que poblarán el universo de Wild Cards: Jetboy, Golden boy, Dr. Tachyon, Jack Braun, Croid Crenson, Hunter S. Thompson. Todos superhéreoes de una novela mosaico en la que los relatos se combinan con noticias y hechos de una historia alternativa que va desde justo después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial hasta la década de los ochenta.
